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Pinda Upanishad

Om! O Devas! May we hear only the good with our ears; O the ones to be worshipped! May we see only the good with our eyes; may we have strong limbs and bodies, which will enable us to pray and worship the Devas. May we live unto such time the Devas feel we should live. May the Lord Indra, of great fame, shower some grace and good on us. May the Lord Surya (the Sun God), the knower of all, shower some grace and good on us. May the Lord Garuda, who has an unfettered clear path (to liberation), shower some grace and good on us. May the Lord Brhaspati shower some grace and good on us.
Om Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

All the Gods all and the wise men asked this question to Brahman:
“How can the dead receive without consciousness their balls of meal, or the Pinda (as it is called in Sanskrit)? And when into the five great elements - The body dissolving returns back – And the soul departs from it – At which place does it abide then?”
Then Brahman spoke:
“In water, it stays for three days; three days in fire; then it goes through the ether three days; and for a day then, in the wind.”
“Then with the first meal ball – the atoms reassemble again; and with the second meal ball originates new flesh, skin and blood.”
“And with the third meal ball – consciousness originates in him anew; and with the fourth meal ball originates the bones and the marrow.”
“And with the fifth meal ball – Hands and fingers, head and the mouth; and with the sixth meal ball are formed the heart, neck and palate.”
“By the seventh meal ball, vitality for a long life; and with the eighth meal ball he attains the power of speech.”
“And with the ninth meal ball – all the organs are tightened; and with the tenth meal ball comes the powers anew in the stream.”
Thus is formed through the offerings of meal balls, a new body from ball to ball.

Om! O Devas! May we hear only the good with our ears; O the ones to be worshipped! May we see only the good with our eyes; may we have strong limbs and bodies, which will enable us to pray and worship the Devas. May we live unto such time the Devas feel we should live. May the Lord Indra, of great fame, shower some grace and good on us. May the Lord Surya (the Sun God), the knower of all, shower some grace and good on us. May the Lord Garuda, who has an unfettered clear path (to liberation), shower some grace and good on us. May the Lord Brhaspati shower some grace and good on us.
Om Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

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